run_to_completion operation specification
The project UMLStateMachineContract
projet of the Eclipse workspace contained in is
implementing the execution contract for the run_to_completion
operation. It contains the following files:
- UMLwithActiveStateAndContractModified.ecore
: The UML implementation in Ecore augmented with our extension for specifying
state machine instances and managing contracts.
- Four complete execution steps corresponding to the execution of
the run_to_completion operation for the microwave paper
example. Each one contains, within a single concatenated model, the
source and the target models of the step and the associated event:
- Microwave-valid1.xmi : Active states are
Closed::Baking for the source model and Open::Paused for
the target one. The event is DoorOpen. The execution step is
then valid (step 1 to step 2 of the paper example).
- Microwave-valid2.xmi : Active states are
Open::Paused for the source model and Closed::Baking for
the target one. The event is DoorClosed. The execution step is
then valid (step 2 to step 3 of the paper example, going back to the
last state of Closed through the history state).
- Microwave-invalid.xmi : Active states are
Closed::Baking for the source model and Open::Paused for
the target one. The event is Power. This execution step is not
valid: on the target side, the Closed::Off state should have
been active instead of Open::Paused.
- Microwave-invalid-priority.xmi : Active
states are Closed::Baking for the source model and
Open::Off for the target one. The event is
DoorOpen. This execution step is not valid: on the target side,
the Open::Paused state should have been active. Indeed, the
most internal transition associated with the DoorOpen event
(from Baking to Paused) should have been triggered,
regarding to the UML semantics. But here, the other transition leading
to the initial state of Open (that is Off) has been
- Run_to_completion-Contract.atl : ATL
transformation implementing the OCL invariant specifying the evolution
contract of the run_to_completion operation. It checks if
target active states are valid regarding to the source ones, the
associated event and the transitions of the state machine.
- Contract-Result.xmi : Default file in
which the contract evaluation result is stored. Concretely, it
contains the associated execution step models and the evaluation
result (Model -> Contract Base -> Contract Evaluation)
To check the validity of an execution step, one simply has to
execute the ATL transformation. The source model is the file
containing the execution step models, and the target model the file
that will contain the contract evaluation result.
This workspace has been set up to work with Topcased V3.3 (ATL
v3.0.1). Topcased is a software environment based on the Eclipse/EMF
framework and dedicated to the realization of critical embedded