Package communication

Class Summary
CommunicationElement Communication element for a process to communicate with other processes.
IPProcessIdentifier Identification of a process in the IP context.
Message Messages are sent and received by processes.
ProcessIdentifier Generic identifier of a process.
ReliabilitySetting Set the reliabily settings for a communication element.
ReliableCommElt Reliable communication element: ensure that all data are sent to receivers or, in case of communication problems, throw explicit exceptions.
SynchronizedBuffer<T> Utility class for implementation of services: synchronized buffer of elements of any type T
TCPElement Class used by communication element: manage communications through TCP sockets
UnreliableCommElt Unreliable element: send a message without the possibility to know if it has been received by the other element or has been lost.

Enum Summary
FaultLevel Fault level: set the level of packet lost or transmission delay for a communication element.

Exception Summary
CommunicationException General exception in the context of the communication package
CompoundException When more than one exception has to be handled, this exception stores several other ones.
DataSendingException Exception thrown in case of communication problem during a message transmission
UnreachableProcessException Exception throw if a remote process is not reachable.