Uses of Class

Packages that use CommunicationException

Uses of CommunicationException in communication

Subclasses of CommunicationException in communication
 class CompoundException
          When more than one exception has to be handled, this exception stores several other ones.
 class DataSendingException
          Exception thrown in case of communication problem during a message transmission
 class UnreachableProcessException
          Exception throw if a remote process is not reachable.

Fields in communication with type parameters of type CommunicationException
protected  java.util.Vector<CommunicationException> CompoundException.exceptions

Methods in communication that return types with arguments of type CommunicationException
 java.util.Vector<CommunicationException> CompoundException.getExceptions()

Methods in communication with parameters of type CommunicationException
 void CompoundException.addException(CommunicationException e)

Methods in communication that throw CommunicationException
protected abstract  void CommunicationElement.physicalSendMessage(Message msg, ProcessIdentifier id)
          Method called to "physically" send a message through TCP sockets.
protected  void ReliableCommElt.physicalSendMessage(Message msg, ProcessIdentifier id)
protected  void UnreliableCommElt.physicalSendMessage(Message msg, ProcessIdentifier senderId)
 void TCPElement.sendData( adr, int port, java.lang.Object data)
          Send data through the TCP socket.
 void CommunicationElement.sendMessage(Message msg)
 void CommunicationElement.sendMessage(ProcessIdentifier id, java.lang.Object data)

Constructors in communication that throw CommunicationException
          Create and fully initialize a communication element, using any available TCP port
CommunicationElement(int port)
          Create and fully initialize a communication element
          Reliable communication : if the remote element is reachable, ensure it receives data, otherwise generate an explicit error.
ReliableCommElt(int port)
UnreliableCommElt(int port)

Uses of CommunicationException in service

Methods in service that throw CommunicationException
 void IBroadcast.broadcast(java.lang.Object data)
          Broadcast data to all processes of the system.
 void DistributedServicesMiddleware.connect()
 void IDistributedServices.connect()
          Connect the process to the system using default value, that is, without communication delays or errors.
 void DistributedServicesMiddleware.connect(ReliabilitySetting setting)
 void IDistributedServices.connect(ReliabilitySetting setting)
          Connect the process to the system using reliability settings.
 void DistributedServicesMiddleware.connect(ReliabilitySetting setting, int localPort)
 void IDistributedServices.connect(ReliabilitySetting setting, int localPort)
          Connect the process to the system using reliability settings and a specific TCP port.
 void ICommunication.sendMessage(Message msg)
          Send a message to a remote process which address is embedded in the message.
 void ProxyCommunication.sendMessage(Message msg)
protected  void Service.sendMessage(Message msg)
          Send a message, tagged with the type of the service, to a given process (more precisely, to the service of the same type on this process)
 void ICommunication.sendMessage(ProcessIdentifier id, java.lang.Object data)
          Send a message to a remote process.
 void ProxyCommunication.sendMessage(ProcessIdentifier id, java.lang.Object data)

Uses of CommunicationException in service.broadcast

Methods in service.broadcast that throw CommunicationException
 void BasicBroadcastService.broadcast(java.lang.Object data)
 void ReliableBroadcastService.broadcast(java.lang.Object data)

Uses of CommunicationException in

Constructors in that throw CommunicationException