Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICommunication

Uses of ICommunication in communication

Classes in communication that implement ICommunication
 class CommunicationElement
          Communication element for a process to communicate with other processes.
 class ReliableCommElt
          Reliable communication element: ensure that all data are sent to receivers or, in case of communication problems, throw explicit exceptions.
 class UnreliableCommElt
          Unreliable element: send a message without the possibility to know if it has been received by the other element or has been lost.

Uses of ICommunication in service

Classes in service that implement ICommunication
 class ProxyCommunication

Fields in service declared as ICommunication
protected  ICommunication Service.commElt

Methods in service that return ICommunication
 ICommunication DistributedServicesMiddleware.getCommunicationService()
 ICommunication IDistributedServices.getCommunicationService()

Methods in service with parameters of type ICommunication
 void Service.initialize(MessageDispatcher dispatcher, ICommunication commElt, MessageType myType)

Constructors in service with parameters of type ICommunication
DistributedServicesMiddleware.MessageReader(ICommunication commElt, MessageDispatcher dispatcher)

Uses of ICommunication in

Methods in with parameters of type ICommunication
 void IdentificationService.initialize(MessageDispatcher dispatcher, ICommunication commElt, MessageType myType)
 void IdentificationServiceUDP.initialize(MessageDispatcher dispatcher, ICommunication commElt, MessageType myType)